In the words of Dr Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “And as Adams College on the 9th of March 2018 our school was hosting its annual Teachers Awards towards the academic excellence. The educators produced in the previous year for it is said that “Good teachers know how to bring out the best to students.” And to top everything off, we are celebrating the astounding arrival of our school vehicle “The school Bus.”

The vehicle was a gift from one of our institutions marvelous sponsors Stafaunetti Stacks to improve mobility of our school in order to enhance excellence for it will be of great assistance in transporting students and in the words of Napoleon Hill “Strength and Growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” And the struggle and effort put in by the institution. Our sponsor and educators in making learners needs a first priority is impeccable and strive to deliver the best results in the interest of these young people.

The man at the forefront of the institutions growth, innovation and change. The Headmaster, Mr T.E Khumalo had a lot of gratitude and appreciation to Stefinatti and stated that “The bus will be of great assistance in transporting students to activities such as Sport trips, Educational tours and other extra curriculum activities.” As Adams College there is an extensive amount of gratitude and love for our sponsors, Stefinatti Stocks for “a sponsor is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been. Accepts what you have become and still gently allows you to grow.”

The event of rewarding the remarkable teachers on the jobs they do on a daily bases is to keep them encouraged and motivated for the good and hard work will you never go unnoticed, because they are not only educating students that but they have become the mothers & fathers of their young people. Herny Brooks Adams Said “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” The educators of Adams College have not only used their hands to mold the future of the students but have also used their hands to open minds of these learners and also touched their hearts.

Our Institute does not only care about the students but cherishes the educators and brought back in one of Adams Colleges finest Mr Nhlanhla Ngidi  “a product of this institution to encourage these, selfless and sacrificing human beings and to ensure them that Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story” so said Josh Shipp. Mr Ngidi reminded the teaching and non-teaching staff of Adams College that “There role in society is to banish their fears and take on an important task for building and molding the future of young people is dependent on them.”